November 12, 2014

Plain simply mentally, and maybe, physically drained.


Sleeping late is by choice.

I can only blame myself for being so deprived of sleep recently but do you think, 24 hours in a day is enough for you? Yeah, many would say if your time management is well-drafted, there would definitely be time to complete whatever you have for the agenda of the day but honestly speaking, you really can't get best of the both worlds, right?

If everything is lined-up flawlessly, with no hiccups then what's the point of living a life with no setbacks? It could be a positive stance that one is missing out, not all the setbacks are bad. Some setbacks serve as a reminder, as a motivator to us. Then again, sacrificing my sleep so I could do more things in the day... That's the opportunity cost & I hope, it will be paid off.

Actually, I have no idea why am I here blabbering about nonsensical stuffs when I can dive into my bed and swim my way to the dreamland (a place which I hate).

It's like, millions of thoughts running in my mind but I can't really construct them into proper fragments of words right now. They are like patches of clouds in the sky; a little here and there... I guess, I shall consolidate all my thoughts before coming back here again.

Just... Feeling kinda jaded.


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