im back in msia, W/O AN INJURIES.
January 13, 2007hello. im back in msia.
but there were some freaks last night, cursing me.
i was online at shini's hse last night.
i put my personal nick as,"i ran away frm home, now at shini's hse."
then got some bastards came asking me why lar.
then i told them e truth. was cos of e flood lar.
then they said,"u scared fall dwn agn ar?"
like wtf lar. all those who asked me this kind of qns were boys lar.
then e girls all like wont like tt. stupid one lar boys.
blah, last night i helped shini to do her CHI COMPRE LER.
cos i did already and i rmbed e correct ans. HEHE.
but then not sure if all e ans i wrote are complete one not lar.
i 9plus already v slpy ar. but then can delayed till 11pm then slp.
lol. then whole night, like most of e time i can feel myself tossing away.
haha. then blah, shini's mom went to e toilet. e light v bright ar.
then i checked my phone. its 530am. 30mins more gotta wake up.
blah, woke up at 6am. went to wash up all tt and went out.
met minwei at e bus stop. went to cwp and waited for weiting.
looking at e deathnote poster, minwei told me e story. lol.
then shld b meeting w weiting at 730am. she arrived early.
supposed to hv mac breakfast but then all sat in e mac talk, nv eat. lol.
wasting our time away. too much time le. so slpy also.
met dayani they all at mac. all e odac members and then,
we went off at ard 820am bah. saw mr toh at e interchange also.
blah, reached sch. saw warda escorting e ppl.
she greeted us,'gdmrng nj, gdmrng minwei, gdmrng weiting.'
then we 3 nv care her ar. LOL. but got ppl talked to her also mah.
hahaha. went in saw yueting then juli told us all in e canteen.
then blah, loitered ard then went to take out poles and shoot.
finally e sec 1s all dismissed frm e talks le.
then e CO ar.. walao. suddenly got sound.
whole canteen de ppl also kena like shocked ar.
e sound so loud sia. zzZzz. need to shout to e ppl in order to communicate.
so noisy. then went walked ard. went to central sq. more peaceful.
blah, all those who came to e booth, all got turned up for previous trg one.
so, like same ppl lar. no chi at all sia. all malays.
blah, went to to e hall there. stood w ferry and looking at e central sq.
tt ferry confirm is looking at adraw one lor. lololol.
blah, weiting asked us to go dwn.
mdm ng wanna talk to us.
then talk talk talk, dimissed.
waited for awhile, cos arianah said she wanna train.
but then, i wanna go home lar.
i scared later rain big big then i die die agn.
called my mom and asked her. then blah, went home.
and i slept frm 230pm till 7like tt.
so long lor. Zzz. later no need slp already.
oh yar. today is my bro's..22nd bday!