July 21, 2005

emil bhind hazirah. our pretties. (;
our handsome presenters of class 2M3. Heiqal, our most handsome class chairman and Firdaus e councillor. (:
hmm.. this is during e assembly. haha. emil snapped it.

today racial harmony day wor! quite a number of ppl wearing enthic clothings. haha. INCLUDING SISTER FERRY!! morning he saw me at e carpark then he walked away. haha. then we went back to class mah cos raining then he used e.. er.. i don noe how to say lar.. a cloth tt is supposed to b on his body lar. ... then used tt to pat me on my head. haha. he's so so so so so HANDSOME WOR!!!! so proud to hv a handsome sister! so handsome. haha. =D

hmm.. my class only 9 ppl wore traditional clothes lor. emil and hazirah wore.. erm.. chi traditional costumes? but those modern modern one lar. with jeans one. so pretty wor. haha. then.. after recess we had our assembly lor. hmm.. our class got 3rd for e racial harmony presentation w e board we made lar. haha. then.. got lolipop as our prize? if not wrong. cos Heiqal giving out e lolipop to e ppl who contributed. haha. he and firdaus presented for our class. so handsome wor! e malay girls saw them presentating.. cheered so loudly. haha.

was kinda sleepy during e assembly lar. but then had so much fun w shue min sitting bhind us. haha. keep on laughing. then i go hit his wounded knee. forgotten he injured his knee. too bad lar. he said me first. haha. then.. e yellowish liquid come out frm his wound lor. haha. then when jolene asked him to call wahidah.. jolene patted on his wounded knee again. haha. who asks him to sit bhind us. haha. after e assembly.. we went back to class lor. so sleepy..

after sch.. i went to sweep e floor. so dirty. then ferry saw me sweeping e floor and said..,'wa.. so helpful..' then i replied..,'of cos lar. haha.' then.. after tt.. i went home lor. walked pass m2.. saw them taking class photo. haha. later e photo was spoilt by them. haha. mayb w/o them.. e photo might look more better. haha. kidding lar. then.. i went back home myself lor. cos tt huei wen lazy.. don wanna come to sch. haha.

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