July 03, 2005
i slept at 4.30am!! if is sch day.. by e time.. i shld b waiting for my sch bus le. haha. waited for my mom to b back ytd. at ard 4am+. then.. e POH JUN XIANG 3.30am+ offline le. haha. then.. still got online. but.. went to watch Astro.. Mtv and Channel V. haha. then thinking wad to design for art cover page. so difficult. e theme is HAPPINESS ler. v e omg liao lor. haha.
woke up at 12pm bahs. then went to take my shower. then e whole hse like so quiet like tt wor. haha. bro hvnt wake up, dad and mom woke up liao but went to slp back. then saw my aunt ironing clothes. then.. went take shower lar. showering till half.. heard someone pressed our doorbell. its my mom's aunt and her daughter and her daughter's son. so cute ar her son. took some photo of him. but then hvnt upload yet. haha. his name is.. [huai xu] i don noe whether is spelled like this or not lar. haha. play play play, talk talk talk.. then they went off to their cousin's hse lor.
ytd ar.. shld say is this morning lar. asked ferry abt e ne camp things cos chi e letter writing need to b abt tt mah. then i din go. so don noe lor. asked him to help me. he was like v v v v v serious ler. no wonder all grp work so pro lar then studies freaking gd. then do do do hmwk lor. so hardworking. now left only art. prep book sehs. need cover page, research, 2 sketches, reflection/ mindmap. walao.. so many.. due next wed. theme is happiness!! how to draw. omg. haha. just anyhow do lar. then teacher anyhow mark. then i anyhow get e marks lor. haha.
mom just went out to Ponderosa. dancing again lor. then dad later going out for golfing. left me and second bro. woohoo~ haha. later do art bahs. then tmr free!! youth day!! yay!! haha. asking baoling for help in art. though different sch. haha. asked her what to draw for cover page and think of things which make me happy. cos.. really cant think of anything. haha. (=