So Yesterday..

January 14, 2009

Was my big bro's birthday! He's 24 this year and I REALLY hope he can go steady with his ABC girl who is only a year older than me. I'm glad that I didn't forget about his birthday because it seemed just like another other day to me. I sent my greetings to him at around 1am plus and he was asking for his present! Happy belated birthday, bro! Cya during CNY! Xoxo.

CADD for the day. It sucked a little. 3D modeling seems a tiny weeny hard as I have to get the axises right at different direction for different drawings. I had to figure out myself by doing trial and error for my figure to get done! This is so tedious and I mean it!

BF accompanied me to Woodlands Regional Library since I had to meet up with Koh. Before heading to the library, BF bought me a chocolate fudge slice and he asked me 'is it nice?' and 'why is it nice?'. Guess what? I absolutely gave him the answer he was yearning for. HAHA. I am a mind reader.

Dinner with Koh as S11 and back to house for a toilet break before heading to Woodlands Point arcade for some fun. No doubts, we played Bishi Bashi again! I AM THE CHAMPION FOR BOTH THE GAME AND THE NO. OF HITS WE HAD HIT ON THE BUTTONS. I swear, I didn't whack as hard as compared to previous time. I think I only used up 2 tokens for the game and I found a free token from a machine. COOL. Lady luck is on my side, HOPEFULLY.

Game over. I suggested buying otaks since bus 950 just driven off and it takes time to wait for another one. Otaks were DELICIOUS. I ate 5 out of 8 and it tasted.. heavenly. Koh was pricked by the cactus and she caught a housefly using the plastic bag. It was a retarded housefly anyway. We didn't torture it, I SWEAR! We did let it out from the plastic bag in the end. CHAY bought her snacks and we went off shortly after that.

Sometimes I wonder, will I get back what I have given to them?
Sometimes I wonder, what will I gain after helping people so much?
Sometimes I wonder, after giving a helping hand, will I be in a disadvantage position?
Sometimes I wonder, should I ask them for help since I have offered them my help before.
Sometimes I wonder, is it alright to ask them for help although it seems like I could have done it on my own.
Sometimes I wonder, maybe I should not wonder so much..

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