Hello! I just came back from dinner not long ago. I stayed at home for almost the whole day till BF knocked off from work early and came fetching me for dinner. :D If not, I would have eaten cereal for my dinner already. Thanks to him, I had a proper dinner at Burger King. :D Sad thing, he tried to dirty my mouth with the chilli sauce and he succeeded. TSK! Haha.
After dinner, we walked around at CWP and we went to Guardian.. We saw one nice packaged CONDOM. We were kind of curious 'cos the box is really nice and we wanted to have closer look but there was people there. LOL. We waited for the people to go off and we went to have a peek. I was laughing like MAD, seriously. Haha.
When we were at Watson, there was this lady squatting down and started to choose the condom. I was like of attracted to her due to the hot pink packaging of the condom. Haha! I was asking BF whether if the lady was choosing condom or not and I asked in quite a loud tone. LOL. So embarrassed. We went out quickly, of cause. Haha!
So.. He drove me around and I started snapping pictures of him and this is the photo for tonight!
Introducing.. The Mona Enghin Lisa!
After dinner, we walked around at CWP and we went to Guardian.. We saw one nice packaged CONDOM. We were kind of curious 'cos the box is really nice and we wanted to have closer look but there was people there. LOL. We waited for the people to go off and we went to have a peek. I was laughing like MAD, seriously. Haha.
When we were at Watson, there was this lady squatting down and started to choose the condom. I was like of attracted to her due to the hot pink packaging of the condom. Haha! I was asking BF whether if the lady was choosing condom or not and I asked in quite a loud tone. LOL. So embarrassed. We went out quickly, of cause. Haha!
So.. He drove me around and I started snapping pictures of him and this is the photo for tonight!
Introducing.. The Mona Enghin Lisa!
Finally, I get to sleep in late today.
I woke up at 1.30pm. Haha! Nothing to do, so sleeping is the another alternative method to spend my day. Zhuxin's dad came in at around 12pm asking if I wanted anything for lunch. I declined his offer la, 'cos too much trouble for him already and he came saying something like, I only will go out with my BF then the rest of the people wanna help me get things, I won't want it. LOL. As in, he said that in a joking manner. I just laughed and went back to sleep.
Actually, I've got nothing to blog about because I will be spending my Sunday off at home. At night then I'm gonna go find my BF at City Hall. Life's bored. BUT, with Frederick's entertaining real-life story, it has definitely spice up my mudance life. Haha. Damn interesting one.
Now my elder brother is complaining that his MACbook screen has a 8mm crack on it. He came back from Malaysia then screen became like that. Damn sad for him. He said he used my 2nd brother's bag then laptop became like that. He even said that he thinks my 2nd brother cursed him that's why he is so suay. Haha!
I'll blog if I've something interesting to blog about later on.
I woke up at 1.30pm. Haha! Nothing to do, so sleeping is the another alternative method to spend my day. Zhuxin's dad came in at around 12pm asking if I wanted anything for lunch. I declined his offer la, 'cos too much trouble for him already and he came saying something like, I only will go out with my BF then the rest of the people wanna help me get things, I won't want it. LOL. As in, he said that in a joking manner. I just laughed and went back to sleep.
Actually, I've got nothing to blog about because I will be spending my Sunday off at home. At night then I'm gonna go find my BF at City Hall. Life's bored. BUT, with Frederick's entertaining real-life story, it has definitely spice up my mudance life. Haha. Damn interesting one.
Now my elder brother is complaining that his MACbook screen has a 8mm crack on it. He came back from Malaysia then screen became like that. Damn sad for him. He said he used my 2nd brother's bag then laptop became like that. He even said that he thinks my 2nd brother cursed him that's why he is so suay. Haha!
I'll blog if I've something interesting to blog about later on.
I woke up EARLY for the SAKE of CHAYZX. I accompanied her to orchard just for her dental checkup. She had finally removed her braces after 2 long years and she was pretty excited about it. Haha.
Her friend, Mr Koo came and look for us too. We had lunch together and Mr Koo walked damn fast but that was his usual speed I think. Anyway, Mr Koo paid $30 for the meal at Ramen Ten and the remaining balance was being topped up by us.
We went scouting presents for zhuxin's brother and then, took train home after that. Zhuxin's dad helped me to sign new plan so I can get new phone. HEHE. I got new phone. HEHEHE. Like, finally. HAHA.
Then, we headed to IMM and looked for KOHshini. Just nice we get to have the chance to accompany her for dinner. She must be feeling damn honoured. 2 ladies went there just to watch her eat. WALAO. Haha.
Zhuxin and I walked around IMM for awhile and then.. Home sweet home. I had dinner/supper with shini too. I didn't have my dinner and.. That's the reason why I went out to eat with shini. She missed her last bus that's so great for her. I mean she can use the chance to exercise what! Right? Hehe.
I've been sneezing today and I guess, I'm gonna fall sick soon..
OH! Lastly.. I LOVE ENGHIN. :)
Tuesday: 23 Sept 2008 - Wednesday: 24 Sept 2008
I had night trekking with few members from SPA. No doubts that the trekking was EXCITING. We gotta be careful because it was prohibited to trek in there at night. Fine SDG$10000 will be imposed if we get caught but we didn't. :D
Oh! We saw fireflies and it was the first time I saw the fireflies. Willard caught one but it flew away in less than 2mins? Haha. I touched it! :D
We trekked overnight and I only got home at 7.43am, sleeping at 9am and waking up at only 4pm. As usual, I went down to City Hall and find BF after his work. :)
Thursday: 25 Sept 2008
I dragged myself up early in the morning and went for kayaking. Yea, I'm sunburnt again BUT I did put on sunblock and everything so I doubt I will shed the skins but well, whatever. I'm used to it anyway.
After sea training, Thomas, Eugene, Shini and I took bus down to town. Shini and me had lunch there and we went to Takashimaya to slack around. This is damn suay when I was walking up the stairs.. My havanians broke. It was like.. OMG. O.O My face was like :) to :( straight away and I started to stare into blank. =/ With the aid of rubber band, I could get back to MRT station and I looked like I've sprained my ankle when I was walking. Haha. I was pretty afraid that my slippers would drop out again but it survived till my house.
Got back home, rested for an hour plus and here we go again to City Hall. We went to find our BFs after that work again and it was Shini & Adam's 1 month anniversary! Haha. We took train home and yea.. Reached home, bathed and slacked and went down to meet BF. He jogged from Admiralty to Marsiling and passed me the TMGC and accompanied to wait for Shini for supper.
So, I had
I just came back from night trekking with Jiayao, Willard, Eugene, CS, Yaosheng, Muxing and Whykei!
I will update in detail when I'm back from my shower and sleep.
I just came back from night trekking with Jiayao, Willard, Eugene, CS, Yaosheng, Muxing and Whykei!
I will update in detail when I'm back from my shower and sleep.
This is how am I feeling right now. I just seem to be not getting enough sleep everyday and I don't know why too. I think some parts in me gone haywire. Maybe that could explain why. Well, whatever.
So.. I came back to Malaysia today with Whykei. BF looked for me in the morning until when he gotta fetch his mom in the afternoon. No doubts, he's a big bully. Haha. I met up with whykei at Singapore custom and we were initially taking the same bus but.. I missed the bloody bus so gotta wait for the 2nd one. I didn't have to wait long though. Haha.
Alright, we went to City Square and it changed a lot. Shops are renovated and located at different places. We were scouting for shoes/slippers but none fits us so, Starbucks was our next destination! I had been craving for Starbucks since 3 days ago and I fulfilled my craving today. GREAT. Haha. It was damn cooling, as in.. COLD in there so we came out and started walking around.
We went to buy hairbands and clips because I realised my hairband at Zhuxin's house broke into 2 pieces. -.- I don't know how did it break but.. It was broken. Anyway, it was freeeeeezing cold, cold until whykei wanna go shh shh so gotta accompany her to pee before getting my shirt at F.O.S.
I told her, today I never get any shirt I don't wanna head back home and.. I bought one shirt. COOL. Got new shirt already. Tomorrow before going back to Singapore, I'm gonna buy another shirt again. Hehe. Running out of shirts to wear so.. GOTTA BUY. It's sale everywhere in City Square also. Why waste the chance, right? Haha.
So.. I came back to Malaysia today with Whykei. BF looked for me in the morning until when he gotta fetch his mom in the afternoon. No doubts, he's a big bully. Haha. I met up with whykei at Singapore custom and we were initially taking the same bus but.. I missed the bloody bus so gotta wait for the 2nd one. I didn't have to wait long though. Haha.
Alright, we went to City Square and it changed a lot. Shops are renovated and located at different places. We were scouting for shoes/slippers but none fits us so, Starbucks was our next destination! I had been craving for Starbucks since 3 days ago and I fulfilled my craving today. GREAT. Haha. It was damn cooling, as in.. COLD in there so we came out and started walking around.
We went to buy hairbands and clips because I realised my hairband at Zhuxin's house broke into 2 pieces. -.- I don't know how did it break but.. It was broken. Anyway, it was freeeeeezing cold, cold until whykei wanna go shh shh so gotta accompany her to pee before getting my shirt at F.O.S.
I told her, today I never get any shirt I don't wanna head back home and.. I bought one shirt. COOL. Got new shirt already. Tomorrow before going back to Singapore, I'm gonna buy another shirt again. Hehe. Running out of shirts to wear so.. GOTTA BUY. It's sale everywhere in City Square also. Why waste the chance, right? Haha.
Pet food - tainted with chemical melamine
Toothpaste - tainted with chemical diethylene glycol and bacteria
Farmed fish - traces of banned drugs and pesticides found
Tyres - fault may cause blow-outs
Toys - contain lead or pose choking hazard
Children's jewellery - contains lead
Ceramic heaters - pose fire safety risk
March 2007:
Melamine is found in wheat gluten exports from China for use in pet food, prompting a recall of at least 100 pet food brands
Nov 2006:
A dye farmers fed to ducks to make their eggs look fresher is found to contain cancer-causing properties, and 5,000 ducks are culled
August 2006:
About 40 people in Beijing contract meningitis after eating partially cooked snails at a chain of restaurants
So, next time what should we eat?
May 2007:
China probes reports that contaminated toothpaste was sent to the Americas
China probes reports that contaminated toothpaste was sent to the Americas
March 2007:
Melamine is found in wheat gluten exports from China for use in pet food, prompting a recall of at least 100 pet food brands
Nov 2006:
A dye farmers fed to ducks to make their eggs look fresher is found to contain cancer-causing properties, and 5,000 ducks are culled
August 2006:
About 40 people in Beijing contract meningitis after eating partially cooked snails at a chain of restaurants
So, next time what should we eat?
Saturday: 20 Sep 2008
2nd Day at Carrefour. It sucked pretty much because there was NOTHING to do with ME and my name was being written down for not BLOODY REASON. This is call accusation. Whatever, it's over and I'm glad that I could be able to maintain my cool.
I reached home pretty late because the supervisor was teaching me how to do settlement and I doubt I can remember all the steps and whatever, who cares. There is always someone to help you. They won't be so selfish, trust me. LOL.
Back home, first thing to do was to bathe! Wiped my hair and sms-ed with BF and boooooom, I fell asleep after that. Even the ringtone couldn't wake me up either. That proves how dead beat I was last night.
Sunday: 21 Sep 2008
I reported to work at 1pm and after working for like 15mins? Mediacorps crews were there filming the City Spa don't know what variety show. So.. We saw Mediacorps artists like Bryan Wong, Jeff Wang and Dawn Yeoh. No doubt, DAWN YEOH IS SUPER CHIO AND quite tall. The cashier I was being allocated was damn funny. She's like already 40 plus to 50 age and she started asking me who were the artists and where were them. Haha. She was kind of 'sua ku' on the fact that we mostly see artists on the TV rather than in real life. Haha.
Alright, we had our break at 4.30pm and when whykei and me started eating, we saw LOW KAR WAH walked past us. In the end, we had lunch together just like yesterday. Haha. After lunch, we went to the staff pantry there and buy our drinks from the vending machine. Hehe. Before we buy our drinks, I saw one Nescafe can on the vending machine. I thought it was an empty tin but when I picked it from the vending machine.. It was BRAND NEW and that's how karwah earned a free drink. Haha.
After lunch and we saw the Mediacorps artists filming again and Karwah ATE SNAKE, never work but at there looking at Dawn Yeoh. Lol. Whykei and me are good staffs. We went back to work and.. It was 8pm! Time to knock off but we waited an hour for Adam and my BF. They took so long that I nearly fell asleep while waiting for them. =/
We took train home and I bathed staright away after I reach home. :D Just right after my shower, phone rang and I picked up. BF was already at downstairs picking me up for supper because.. I was freaking hungry. Imagine, u had only a meal a day. Pathetic, right! Haha.
We were watching rats running about at the rubbish chute and waiting for the cat to chase after the rats but.. It didn't happen and that's sad. Whatever. So, after supper he fetched me home and he actually remembered to kiss me on my forehead. VERY SWEET, I KNOW.
Alright! I'm gonna wait for him after his night jogging. I cannot sleep before him!
2nd Day at Carrefour. It sucked pretty much because there was NOTHING to do with ME and my name was being written down for not BLOODY REASON. This is call accusation. Whatever, it's over and I'm glad that I could be able to maintain my cool.
I reached home pretty late because the supervisor was teaching me how to do settlement and I doubt I can remember all the steps and whatever, who cares. There is always someone to help you. They won't be so selfish, trust me. LOL.
Back home, first thing to do was to bathe! Wiped my hair and sms-ed with BF and boooooom, I fell asleep after that. Even the ringtone couldn't wake me up either. That proves how dead beat I was last night.
Sunday: 21 Sep 2008
I reported to work at 1pm and after working for like 15mins? Mediacorps crews were there filming the City Spa don't know what variety show. So.. We saw Mediacorps artists like Bryan Wong, Jeff Wang and Dawn Yeoh. No doubt, DAWN YEOH IS SUPER CHIO AND quite tall. The cashier I was being allocated was damn funny. She's like already 40 plus to 50 age and she started asking me who were the artists and where were them. Haha. She was kind of 'sua ku' on the fact that we mostly see artists on the TV rather than in real life. Haha.
Alright, we had our break at 4.30pm and when whykei and me started eating, we saw LOW KAR WAH walked past us. In the end, we had lunch together just like yesterday. Haha. After lunch, we went to the staff pantry there and buy our drinks from the vending machine. Hehe. Before we buy our drinks, I saw one Nescafe can on the vending machine. I thought it was an empty tin but when I picked it from the vending machine.. It was BRAND NEW and that's how karwah earned a free drink. Haha.
After lunch and we saw the Mediacorps artists filming again and Karwah ATE SNAKE, never work but at there looking at Dawn Yeoh. Lol. Whykei and me are good staffs. We went back to work and.. It was 8pm! Time to knock off but we waited an hour for Adam and my BF. They took so long that I nearly fell asleep while waiting for them. =/
We took train home and I bathed staright away after I reach home. :D Just right after my shower, phone rang and I picked up. BF was already at downstairs picking me up for supper because.. I was freaking hungry. Imagine, u had only a meal a day. Pathetic, right! Haha.
We were watching rats running about at the rubbish chute and waiting for the cat to chase after the rats but.. It didn't happen and that's sad. Whatever. So, after supper he fetched me home and he actually remembered to kiss me on my forehead. VERY SWEET, I KNOW.
Alright! I'm gonna wait for him after his night jogging. I cannot sleep before him!
I had my 1st day work yesterday.
& I think I should update when I'm free. Currently, 2.15am now.. I still not yet showered. I'm very tired. I should go take my bath now and sleep.
Cya guys!
& I think I should update when I'm free. Currently, 2.15am now.. I still not yet showered. I'm very tired. I should go take my bath now and sleep.
Cya guys!
This photo is FABULOUS.
Thanks Karen! :D
I woke up, dragging myself for a shower because I'm going out to work TODAY like OMG, right? I also very OMG because, I have no idea how long can I last for this job. Haha.
God Bless Me.
Oh.. I KILLED A COCKROACH LAST NIGHT. Zhuxin woke up to the horror with the cockroach beside her. Muahaha, She was having cold sweat and because of the fact that I'm nice, I helped to kill it and even communicated with it. So cool.
Stay tuned for my 1st day of work.
God Bless Me.
Oh.. I KILLED A COCKROACH LAST NIGHT. Zhuxin woke up to the horror with the cockroach beside her. Muahaha, She was having cold sweat and because of the fact that I'm nice, I helped to kill it and even communicated with it. So cool.
Stay tuned for my 1st day of work.
I'm back from my dinner with ZHUXIN!
Let me summarise my days from last Saturday (13 Sep) to today (18 Sep).
Saturday: 13 Sep 2008
I went back to my M'sia house that day with Whykei. As usual, fast lane cleared at Singapore custom but M'sia custom was once again screwed up. I had used an hour or more just standing outside M'sia custom to wait for Whykei. Yes, you can see how screwed up is M'sia custom and I doubt the new M'sia custom will function that well too. Well, whatever because I take no time to clear M'sia custom due to the fact that I'm holding the M'sia passport. Immigrant staffs would not, I mean MOSTLY, they won't check M'sia passport holders. Peace out.
Anyway, my family members weren't really shocked to see Whykei came home with me. I mean, it has now been a normal routine for me, bringing her home. Haha. Oh yar, friend fetched us home and Whykei concluded that his driving skills sucked pretty much. Oh well.. Different people, different opinions. As usual, we had movie marathon and we watched Final Destination 1 - 3 and also 9 girls and 1 ghost. That ended our day and we slept till noon the next day.
Sunday: 14 Sep 2008
I woke up before Whykei and I didn't know she could sleep so well at my house. Good for her, replenish her energy to the very max. :) If I didn't remember wrongly, I bathed and waited for Whykei and off we go, back to Singapore? Haha. So, BF was complaining that he couldn't find his ear stud and being such a NICE gf, I got him another new ear stud and it looks big on his ear but who cares. I bought it and he MUST wear it. LOL. Just kidding.
Monday: 15 Sep 2008
Land expedition. It was fun because.. THERE WAS NO PT. Just pure trekking and staying overnight at the summit. Nice view from the summit and it was a definitely breath-taking scenery. I swear, climbing up and down the ladders are totally different feeling. Down the ladder was so difficult and I was afraid I might just slip and fall off from the summit. -.-
Up the mountain, it was pretty easy. Finally, we reached the summit and unpacked our stuffs there. After dinner, we talked in a circle and yea, usual crapping from the committees. We slept in the tent and I SLEPT WELL although the first time having night spent in the tent. Anyway, we were being waken up at around 1am because it started to rain and we had to support the tent, in case it collapses. The spot I was sleeping, had the rain water seeping through and started dripping all over. Tissues used, plastic bag used to collect the rainwater. After an hour or so, rain stopped and I went back to sleep but it rained again and I didn't bother to care much.
Tuesday: 16 Sep 2008
We woke up at 5am. My shirt was all wet but who cares. It's meant to get dirtied during a camp and weather was freaking cold in the morning and I started trembling. I was wearing FBT initially and legs were shaking like OMG so shini lent me her track pants and warmed me down. We had breakfast and kept the tents/utensils. THEN, we headed off to get back to the base camp.
Seriously, climbing down is tougher than climbing up. Wenyi had to assist me most of the time and Enghin owes him 9 favours because Wenyi saved me 9 times. !@#$%^ LOL. Junfeng was pretty quiet when heading down to the base camp and not like on the first day, he crapped as much as he climbed up to the summit. Haha.
Everyone was rushing for the toilet as soon as we reached the base camp and most of us bathed there. Our cab came and we were chauffeured back to the train station. There was playground and we sat on the swing. The 3 musketeers fell down when they sat on the swing. Er, maybe BF didn't fall because of JunFeng's help. Haha.
After everyone had reached the train station, we walked to the.. town? -.- We had lunch at one of the 'restaurant' there and headed to 7 eleven for tidbits hunting. They GUYS bought CONDOMS as souvenirs. They said those condoms couldn't be found in Singapore. How UNIQUE. Haha.
Back to train station and boarded the train at around 4.40pm. I slept almost throughout the whole journey and reached M'sia custom at around 8.30pm and had dinner at Kim Gary, Hong Kong restaurant as suggested by Whykei. Whole dinner, 8 person, cost around RM176. I was shocked too because normally when I eat, it wouldn't be that much though. After dinner, my dad came down to fetch us back home. :D
First thing I did when I reached home, took towels for the guys who came over to my house and I went to bathe straight away. We, Whykei and me raped Shini before we sleep and we had fun doing that. LOL!
Wednesday: 17 Sep 2008
Bf and Adam supposedly to be working and they took leave because, they were.. TOO TIRED to work? Haha. They woke up at around 9am plus and took leave for their work. Next thing they did. CHECK RESULTS. BF came asking me for my email add and password. I gave the wrong password. -.- LOL! Anyway, checked my results and it sucked as much. No one to blame, I admit that I didn't revise enough but well, I WILL do BETTER for next semester. MARK MY WORDS. Bf got 4 for his GPA and it's so !@#$%^ as compared to mine. Lol. Never mind, he's a mugger when comes to exams period. He's crazy, I mean intelligent with his hard work. Haha.
I fought with him that night. It was tiring and next time please do not find such a fit bf. Maybe I'm weak that's why he can pin me down and started tickling me like shit. OMG. I had fun slapping his face and apologising after that but it was all in vain. He still will tickle me like OMG. -.- Adam was his accomplice and my little cousin was my ally. :D
So, they left at 9.10pm for home in Singapore. My dad complained to my mom that he couldn't watch his 9pm show because he had to fetch them to the custom. LOL. So sorry, dad. Haha.
Today: 16 Sep 2008
I got back to Singapore at 3pm and BF came to fetch me. I accompanied him for lunch at Botak Jones and started telling him about 16 year old female JB student being kidnapped, burnt and abandoned by a group of schoolmates/friends aged from 16 - 22. One the suspects was found to be her own BF. WTF?! Yar, WTF. -.- Mom was telling me about this news when we had lunch together and she was praising that the deceased was a belle in school and aroused my curiosity. So yea, BF bought the newspaper and I read it. The group of kidnappers should be punished by death sentence man.
Blah, BF fetched me home after that and I went to frighten Zhuxin when she was doing her laundry. Muahaha. Hehe. Her reaction was.. PRICELESS. HAHAHA. After that, I came online and started to change blogskin. Took me so long to edit and Zhuxin was grumbling that she was very hungry.
When we were about to GO OUT for dinner, BF said he was coming over to get the camp stuffs which means we had to wait for him. We waited like omg and finally he came. Like, FINALLY. We almost died of hunger, you see. Lol. Zhuxin and I had Burger King and strolled back home talking about our lives as usual.
I'm finally done with my posting and Zhuxin popped out the question,'You are still posting?' for like 3 -4 times. Haha. Now the time is 11.41pm. Lets see I took how long to blog about these few days. Lol. :D
Let me summarise my days from last Saturday (13 Sep) to today (18 Sep).
Saturday: 13 Sep 2008
I went back to my M'sia house that day with Whykei. As usual, fast lane cleared at Singapore custom but M'sia custom was once again screwed up. I had used an hour or more just standing outside M'sia custom to wait for Whykei. Yes, you can see how screwed up is M'sia custom and I doubt the new M'sia custom will function that well too. Well, whatever because I take no time to clear M'sia custom due to the fact that I'm holding the M'sia passport. Immigrant staffs would not, I mean MOSTLY, they won't check M'sia passport holders. Peace out.
Anyway, my family members weren't really shocked to see Whykei came home with me. I mean, it has now been a normal routine for me, bringing her home. Haha. Oh yar, friend fetched us home and Whykei concluded that his driving skills sucked pretty much. Oh well.. Different people, different opinions. As usual, we had movie marathon and we watched Final Destination 1 - 3 and also 9 girls and 1 ghost. That ended our day and we slept till noon the next day.
Sunday: 14 Sep 2008
I woke up before Whykei and I didn't know she could sleep so well at my house. Good for her, replenish her energy to the very max. :) If I didn't remember wrongly, I bathed and waited for Whykei and off we go, back to Singapore? Haha. So, BF was complaining that he couldn't find his ear stud and being such a NICE gf, I got him another new ear stud and it looks big on his ear but who cares. I bought it and he MUST wear it. LOL. Just kidding.
Monday: 15 Sep 2008
Land expedition. It was fun because.. THERE WAS NO PT. Just pure trekking and staying overnight at the summit. Nice view from the summit and it was a definitely breath-taking scenery. I swear, climbing up and down the ladders are totally different feeling. Down the ladder was so difficult and I was afraid I might just slip and fall off from the summit. -.-
Up the mountain, it was pretty easy. Finally, we reached the summit and unpacked our stuffs there. After dinner, we talked in a circle and yea, usual crapping from the committees. We slept in the tent and I SLEPT WELL although the first time having night spent in the tent. Anyway, we were being waken up at around 1am because it started to rain and we had to support the tent, in case it collapses. The spot I was sleeping, had the rain water seeping through and started dripping all over. Tissues used, plastic bag used to collect the rainwater. After an hour or so, rain stopped and I went back to sleep but it rained again and I didn't bother to care much.
Tuesday: 16 Sep 2008
We woke up at 5am. My shirt was all wet but who cares. It's meant to get dirtied during a camp and weather was freaking cold in the morning and I started trembling. I was wearing FBT initially and legs were shaking like OMG so shini lent me her track pants and warmed me down. We had breakfast and kept the tents/utensils. THEN, we headed off to get back to the base camp.
Seriously, climbing down is tougher than climbing up. Wenyi had to assist me most of the time and Enghin owes him 9 favours because Wenyi saved me 9 times. !@#$%^ LOL. Junfeng was pretty quiet when heading down to the base camp and not like on the first day, he crapped as much as he climbed up to the summit. Haha.
Everyone was rushing for the toilet as soon as we reached the base camp and most of us bathed there. Our cab came and we were chauffeured back to the train station. There was playground and we sat on the swing. The 3 musketeers fell down when they sat on the swing. Er, maybe BF didn't fall because of JunFeng's help. Haha.
After everyone had reached the train station, we walked to the.. town? -.- We had lunch at one of the 'restaurant' there and headed to 7 eleven for tidbits hunting. They GUYS bought CONDOMS as souvenirs. They said those condoms couldn't be found in Singapore. How UNIQUE. Haha.
Back to train station and boarded the train at around 4.40pm. I slept almost throughout the whole journey and reached M'sia custom at around 8.30pm and had dinner at Kim Gary, Hong Kong restaurant as suggested by Whykei. Whole dinner, 8 person, cost around RM176. I was shocked too because normally when I eat, it wouldn't be that much though. After dinner, my dad came down to fetch us back home. :D
First thing I did when I reached home, took towels for the guys who came over to my house and I went to bathe straight away. We, Whykei and me raped Shini before we sleep and we had fun doing that. LOL!
Wednesday: 17 Sep 2008
Bf and Adam supposedly to be working and they took leave because, they were.. TOO TIRED to work? Haha. They woke up at around 9am plus and took leave for their work. Next thing they did. CHECK RESULTS. BF came asking me for my email add and password. I gave the wrong password. -.- LOL! Anyway, checked my results and it sucked as much. No one to blame, I admit that I didn't revise enough but well, I WILL do BETTER for next semester. MARK MY WORDS. Bf got 4 for his GPA and it's so !@#$%^ as compared to mine. Lol. Never mind, he's a mugger when comes to exams period. He's crazy, I mean intelligent with his hard work. Haha.
I fought with him that night. It was tiring and next time please do not find such a fit bf. Maybe I'm weak that's why he can pin me down and started tickling me like shit. OMG. I had fun slapping his face and apologising after that but it was all in vain. He still will tickle me like OMG. -.- Adam was his accomplice and my little cousin was my ally. :D
So, they left at 9.10pm for home in Singapore. My dad complained to my mom that he couldn't watch his 9pm show because he had to fetch them to the custom. LOL. So sorry, dad. Haha.
Today: 16 Sep 2008
I got back to Singapore at 3pm and BF came to fetch me. I accompanied him for lunch at Botak Jones and started telling him about 16 year old female JB student being kidnapped, burnt and abandoned by a group of schoolmates/friends aged from 16 - 22. One the suspects was found to be her own BF. WTF?! Yar, WTF. -.- Mom was telling me about this news when we had lunch together and she was praising that the deceased was a belle in school and aroused my curiosity. So yea, BF bought the newspaper and I read it. The group of kidnappers should be punished by death sentence man.
Blah, BF fetched me home after that and I went to frighten Zhuxin when she was doing her laundry. Muahaha. Hehe. Her reaction was.. PRICELESS. HAHAHA. After that, I came online and started to change blogskin. Took me so long to edit and Zhuxin was grumbling that she was very hungry.
When we were about to GO OUT for dinner, BF said he was coming over to get the camp stuffs which means we had to wait for him. We waited like omg and finally he came. Like, FINALLY. We almost died of hunger, you see. Lol. Zhuxin and I had Burger King and strolled back home talking about our lives as usual.
I'm finally done with my posting and Zhuxin popped out the question,'You are still posting?' for like 3 -4 times. Haha. Now the time is 11.41pm. Lets see I took how long to blog about these few days. Lol. :D
I've just changed my blogskin and Zhuxin is now whining in my ears complaining that she's very hungry and now I've to wait for Enghin to come over to pick up SPA camping stuffs and put back to the clubhouse. Haiya, IN SHORT, Zhuxin cannot go out now for dinner YET.
Sorry sorry.
Lol. She's not that petty but pRetty, right? *grins*
Anyway, on the 12th Sep..
On the 15th Sep..
On the 16th Sep..
I was away for Land Expedition.. so, late birthday wishes for you guys!
Er, yar. I will blog when I come back for dinner later on!
Sorry sorry.
Lol. She's not that petty but pRetty, right? *grins*
Anyway, on the 12th Sep..
On the 15th Sep..
On the 16th Sep..
I was away for Land Expedition.. so, late birthday wishes for you guys!
Er, yar. I will blog when I come back for dinner later on!
I just recalled something that my darling did for me.
Remember the Sea Expedition I had?
I had to go for the expedition and I felt very stressed up because I was afraid that I couldn't endure the whole training camp. At first, bf wasn't going for the expedition but when I was telling him I felt very scared and stressed up for the training camp, he signed up for it too.
He said he will give me support and I thought it would be moral support which any other people would normally give. BUT, he gave me a CONCRETE support by attending the expedition with me. He made his decision on the very last minute and he attended the training camp just for me.
That made him even more sweet to actually supported me by going for the camp. That was the best support I've ever received throughout my whole life BECAUSE friends like SHINI would only give me moral support which kinda doesn't help at all. LOL. Monetary support ain't too bad though. HAHA. Kidding.
Well, just wanna tell you guys that..
Remember the Sea Expedition I had?
I had to go for the expedition and I felt very stressed up because I was afraid that I couldn't endure the whole training camp. At first, bf wasn't going for the expedition but when I was telling him I felt very scared and stressed up for the training camp, he signed up for it too.
He said he will give me support and I thought it would be moral support which any other people would normally give. BUT, he gave me a CONCRETE support by attending the expedition with me. He made his decision on the very last minute and he attended the training camp just for me.
That made him even more sweet to actually supported me by going for the camp. That was the best support I've ever received throughout my whole life BECAUSE friends like SHINI would only give me moral support which kinda doesn't help at all. LOL. Monetary support ain't too bad though. HAHA. Kidding.
Well, just wanna tell you guys that..
You are energetic, ambitious, and sociable.
Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas.
You would make an excellent:
Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director
City Manager - Judge - Lawyer
Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person
School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster
The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds
Your talents lie in politics, leading people, and selling things or ideas.
You would make an excellent:
Auctioneer - Bank President - Camp Director
City Manager - Judge - Lawyer
Recreation Leader - Real Estate Agent - Sales Person
School Principal - Travel Agent - TV Newscaster
The worst career options for your are investigative careers, like mathematician or architect
You are one of the most balanced people aroundMotivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds
I got bored so I went to do this quiz. Anyway, I do not know what should I eat for my dinner. Damn. Whykei suggested Botak Jones. Not a bad idea though. Hmm, see how it goes. Anyway, Last night, I craved for laksa but it's fattening so yea, I didn't have laksa and it was pretty late like past midnight already. I only had 1 proper meal yesterday and this explains whyI was hungry in the late night.
So, Whykei wanted to accompany for supper but it was late already so I was still hesitating. I told bf I wanted to eat but he was saying that it was already very late then he asked me what I wanted to eat. I told him I wanted carrot cake. Guess what? He went to buy and deliver to me. HAHA. Nice, right? I KNOW. MY BF MA. HAHAHA.
Anyway, today I was kena dragged for interview at Carrefour. The man was nice to me and blah, I'm gonna start work next Friday with Whykei. After interview, I accompanied Whykei to collect her phone and it cannot be revived. She was damn sad. Lol. Then, she went to bought some stuffs for her laptop/desktop. We went home after that and I slept once I reached home.
Initially, I was going back to Malaysia when I woke up but was too tired and lazy so didn't go back in the end. Alright, in a rush in the morning and guess what? I forgot to off the light and heater before I left the house. Toilet was full of water and I'm glad Zhuxin's dad didn't get angry over it. Phew.. Haha.
So, Whykei wanted to accompany for supper but it was late already so I was still hesitating. I told bf I wanted to eat but he was saying that it was already very late then he asked me what I wanted to eat. I told him I wanted carrot cake. Guess what? He went to buy and deliver to me. HAHA. Nice, right? I KNOW. MY BF MA. HAHAHA.
Anyway, today I was kena dragged for interview at Carrefour. The man was nice to me and blah, I'm gonna start work next Friday with Whykei. After interview, I accompanied Whykei to collect her phone and it cannot be revived. She was damn sad. Lol. Then, she went to bought some stuffs for her laptop/desktop. We went home after that and I slept once I reached home.
Initially, I was going back to Malaysia when I woke up but was too tired and lazy so didn't go back in the end. Alright, in a rush in the morning and guess what? I forgot to off the light and heater before I left the house. Toilet was full of water and I'm glad Zhuxin's dad didn't get angry over it. Phew.. Haha.
My Boyfriend: Koh Eng Hin.
His Age: 19 on 1st Dec 2008.
His Horoscope: Sagittarius.
His Contact No.: EH <3 NJ!
His Blood Type: NJ+!!!!!!!!!
His Girlfriend: ME. LOL!!!
His Age: 19 on 1st Dec 2008.
His Horoscope: Sagittarius.
His Contact No.: EH <3 NJ!
His Blood Type: NJ+!!!!!!!!!
His Girlfriend: ME. LOL!!!
Ohkay, enough of nonsense.
Another special post dedicated to him and I have to crack my brains to think real hard again. LOL. Must write till damn good then he will say I put in effort for this post. Haha!
1) Thoughtful!
He would send me home till my doorstep almost everyday. I mean, some BFs won't even bother to send their GFs home la. -.-
2) Efficient!
I told him my lips were very dry and next moment, lip balm was bought. I told him I was craving for donut, although it was very late at night already, it was impossible to get any already la. BUT, he said he would get for me the next day and he really did which I had forgotten that I told him I wanted donut the day before. LOL.
3) Caring!
Sometimes, late in the night I would probably go out with friends for supper. No transportation which means we gotta walk. He would text me every minute to ask me where am I, at least, to assure him that I'm still safe and sound. He thought I'm stressed up 'cos I have to blog about him and he actually said it's alright not to blog about him anyhow. Caring, right? MY boyfriend ma. Hehe.
4) Sweet!
To think of exams period, he came specially to pass me chocolates for me to de-stress. He tried his very best to be sweet to me, in anyways of sms-ing me or even, RECORDED A LOVE POEM recited by him and sent to me. Anyway, when he tried to be sweet to me in sms, I would often spoil it purposely. LOL. I know he hates it very much. Right? Haha!
5) Freaking NICE!
He doesn't dare to watch horror movies (WOOPS!) but because I said I wanna watch, he still accompanied me. Trying his best, not to disappoint me. :)
6) It's for me to know, for you to find out.
LOL. Anyway! From what I know, he's very scared when I do not reply him. This means, he can't live without me. HAHA. Well, I LOVE HIM VERY MUCH too! Where to find such nice BF like him? I mean, still have but few in a millions? HAHA. I glad I've found him. :D
I went for SPA training today, first part of the training was rather slack.
Jiayao taught us on knots tying, and some of the general knowledge on first aid. That's all and after that we headed outside for our RUN.
Supposedly, the destination of our run was from SP to VivoCity. We were all stunned. Jaws dropped really deep down the floor cos we haven't been running since Poly 50? That's gonna be a month. So, Jiayao was letting us choose. West Coast? Kent Ridge Park? VivoCity? We just kept quiet. HAHA. In the end, we started short.
Destination: West Coast.
Alright! We ran there and did some workouts. Losers were to do punishment and I did twice. OMG. Extra work for me but IT WAS GOOD. As in, I trained more today. :D After all these stuffs, we started to run back from West Coast Park and just few steps after I ran, my calf muscle was already pulling. I stopped and Sharon helped me to do the stretching. Thanks to me, EVERYONE GETS TO WALK AFTER THAT, OKIE. LOL!!! All damn shagged but well, out of the park till the 2nd pedestrain crossing or whatever, we started to run back again.
More motivation this time cos we were heading back to school Back to school means we can relax. HEHE. So yea, back to school and walked past the sports hall. I saw my darling, JF and Adam. They came back to school for gym workouts and we headed back to clubhouse and waited for Jiayao from his 2.4km run at stadium. Jiayao came, had debreif and some details for upcoming Land Expedition and blah blah.
Next, after everything is done, Shini, Whykei and I headed back to Woodlands for lunch. We had lunch at Jack's Place around 5pm. That explains why I'm now waiting for Whykei for dinner/supper? Haha.
Alright alright. After lunch, headed back home for shower and went out to meet my darling again. :D :D We walked and as usual, we slacked at KFC and to Yishun. He had to get his house key from Wenyi. Haha. We stood at the MRT station and chatted awhile and boooo, we went off to North Point. A lot of shops are under renovation and we went to play at the Timezone. It was fun! :D BUT, quite noob in all the games machines there la, I'm not a frequent customer there ma. HEHE.
We went to Guardian, NTUC fairprice to look around. Darling was so cute. :D He should really bang his head against the wall. He asked me if I want any cat food or not. OMG man. But I still love him. HEHE.
So.. Msn is having problem and I still cannot be signed in. BOOHOO. Nvm, Dinner/supper is on the way. Try again when I come back but I'm still waiting forWho/Where/When/Why/How Kei. LOL.
I went for SPA training today, first part of the training was rather slack.
Jiayao taught us on knots tying, and some of the general knowledge on first aid. That's all and after that we headed outside for our RUN.
Supposedly, the destination of our run was from SP to VivoCity. We were all stunned. Jaws dropped really deep down the floor cos we haven't been running since Poly 50? That's gonna be a month. So, Jiayao was letting us choose. West Coast? Kent Ridge Park? VivoCity? We just kept quiet. HAHA. In the end, we started short.
Destination: West Coast.
Alright! We ran there and did some workouts. Losers were to do punishment and I did twice. OMG. Extra work for me but IT WAS GOOD. As in, I trained more today. :D After all these stuffs, we started to run back from West Coast Park and just few steps after I ran, my calf muscle was already pulling. I stopped and Sharon helped me to do the stretching. Thanks to me, EVERYONE GETS TO WALK AFTER THAT, OKIE. LOL!!! All damn shagged but well, out of the park till the 2nd pedestrain crossing or whatever, we started to run back again.
More motivation this time cos we were heading back to school Back to school means we can relax. HEHE. So yea, back to school and walked past the sports hall. I saw my darling, JF and Adam. They came back to school for gym workouts and we headed back to clubhouse and waited for Jiayao from his 2.4km run at stadium. Jiayao came, had debreif and some details for upcoming Land Expedition and blah blah.
Next, after everything is done, Shini, Whykei and I headed back to Woodlands for lunch. We had lunch at Jack's Place around 5pm. That explains why I'm now waiting for Whykei for dinner/supper? Haha.
Alright alright. After lunch, headed back home for shower and went out to meet my darling again. :D :D We walked and as usual, we slacked at KFC and to Yishun. He had to get his house key from Wenyi. Haha. We stood at the MRT station and chatted awhile and boooo, we went off to North Point. A lot of shops are under renovation and we went to play at the Timezone. It was fun! :D BUT, quite noob in all the games machines there la, I'm not a frequent customer there ma. HEHE.
We went to Guardian, NTUC fairprice to look around. Darling was so cute. :D He should really bang his head against the wall. He asked me if I want any cat food or not. OMG man. But I still love him. HEHE.
So.. Msn is having problem and I still cannot be signed in. BOOHOO. Nvm, Dinner/supper is on the way. Try again when I come back but I'm still waiting for
³¹l\l/-\l\lJLll\l> says:
hey darling! i love you alot :)
hey darling! i love you alot :)
Land Expedition!
I met up with Whykei at Marsiling MRT station first before meeting up with the rest. We were PUNCTUAL. 0915, we were already at the first cabin there waiting for the GUYS. Well well, when Whykei was walking to the MRT station, I sms-ed her and something bad happened! She took out her phone from her bag and.. IT DROPPED ON THE FLOOR REAL HARD.
The top of the handphone landed on the floor first. Impact was BIG. Whole LCD screen cracked and it's a gone case. It still can be switched on BUT the screen is all black except the last 1/4 of it. Partly my fault for sms-ing her. -.- SO SORRY, WHYKEI!
Alright, we waited almost half an hour for the guys. My boyfriend wasn't the cause for the delay. It was TJF's fault. LOL. As usual, he would be the one making us wait. Everytime oversleep, no doubt for this time! Haha. We sat on the floor in the train and yea, reached school. We paid the money and headed to IMM for lunch with Shini.
Shini was VERY shocked when she saw us standing outside the shop. We all stared at her, serving the customers. HAHA. We had lunch, that's of cos and after lunch all of us didn't know where to go. Initially, the guys brought their stuffs for gym workouts but in the end they didn't go for the gym. Reason remains unknown. LOL. Whatever, we trained back home.
Oh, when we were walking aimlessly in IMM, the face of MR KOH ENG HIN aka my darling was like DAMN BLACK like charcoal. I didn't even dare to talk to him till when we were walking back to the train station. He told me he was very tired and everything went fine after we boarded the train. Phew..
After that, I accompanied bf for his lunch and then we walked to the polyclinic and he bought lipbalm for me. LOL. Efficiency. He went to buy straight after I said my lips are dry. Nice bf, right? I know. That's why he's mine. HEHE.
Alright, back home and did my laundry before coming online. I waited for ZHUXIN cos she wanted to have dinner with me. Too bad, it wasn't a candlelit dinner. We had pasta cos she wanted to it so I accompanied her. I know, I'M GREAT. LOL!!! We went to get our stuffs and strolled back home. Good for DIGESTION. Haha. I saw Wenhui with her mom when walking back home too. Hehe.
We crapped a lot during the journey, but mostly about her poly lifestyle and now.. I'm running out of things to blog.
So, next time peeps!
I met up with Whykei at Marsiling MRT station first before meeting up with the rest. We were PUNCTUAL. 0915, we were already at the first cabin there waiting for the GUYS. Well well, when Whykei was walking to the MRT station, I sms-ed her and something bad happened! She took out her phone from her bag and.. IT DROPPED ON THE FLOOR REAL HARD.
The top of the handphone landed on the floor first. Impact was BIG. Whole LCD screen cracked and it's a gone case. It still can be switched on BUT the screen is all black except the last 1/4 of it. Partly my fault for sms-ing her. -.- SO SORRY, WHYKEI!
Alright, we waited almost half an hour for the guys. My boyfriend wasn't the cause for the delay. It was TJF's fault. LOL. As usual, he would be the one making us wait. Everytime oversleep, no doubt for this time! Haha. We sat on the floor in the train and yea, reached school. We paid the money and headed to IMM for lunch with Shini.
Shini was VERY shocked when she saw us standing outside the shop. We all stared at her, serving the customers. HAHA. We had lunch, that's of cos and after lunch all of us didn't know where to go. Initially, the guys brought their stuffs for gym workouts but in the end they didn't go for the gym. Reason remains unknown. LOL. Whatever, we trained back home.
Oh, when we were walking aimlessly in IMM, the face of MR KOH ENG HIN aka my darling was like DAMN BLACK like charcoal. I didn't even dare to talk to him till when we were walking back to the train station. He told me he was very tired and everything went fine after we boarded the train. Phew..
After that, I accompanied bf for his lunch and then we walked to the polyclinic and he bought lipbalm for me. LOL. Efficiency. He went to buy straight after I said my lips are dry. Nice bf, right? I know. That's why he's mine. HEHE.
Alright, back home and did my laundry before coming online. I waited for ZHUXIN cos she wanted to have dinner with me. Too bad, it wasn't a candlelit dinner. We had pasta cos she wanted to it so I accompanied her. I know, I'M GREAT. LOL!!! We went to get our stuffs and strolled back home. Good for DIGESTION. Haha. I saw Wenhui with her mom when walking back home too. Hehe.
We crapped a lot during the journey, but mostly about her poly lifestyle and now.. I'm running out of things to blog.
So, next time peeps!
Long time no blog!
Alright, I'm having holidays now. That's FABULOUS. Haha. Brain cells no longer need to commit suicide and I can sleep till whenever I want. :D
I went for sea training ytd! It was fun. :D
I thought I would be late and kena punishment but who knows, there were people came in even late. Well, we waited for everyone at Clementi MRT station and Willard was the last to reach! Maybe he had got something on or what so was late.
Training started at 10am but we only reached Poly Marina at 10.10am. We weren't late for long though. Jiayao was waiting for Willard with us too. This would mean that.. There was no extra punishment for us. HEHE.
We did warm up and yea, sea training!
We revised on our Pawlata Roll because we didn't kayak for almost a month. I'm glad I was still able to roll up. I was afraid that I would forgot all the procedures to roll myself up. Anyway, Jiayao taught us Eskimo roll. I attempted to roll for like 3, 4 times and it all failed. This means that, I had to get rescued by other kayakers. Doing sea exit/ entry is very tiring, okie. My raft didn't have deckline some more, added to the difficulty on getting back into the kayak. -.-
Anyway, ytd I was like, 'die die also must learn how to do Eskimo Roll'. So, I kept trying and twice when I was able to get up when I failed the first attempt, trying the 2nd attempt, Muxing came to rescue me too fast. His raft touched my raft, then I think that was why I couldn't get up during the 2nd attempt. He said I should slap him. Haha. It's alright, dude.
Several attempts and I finally get to roll up. HEHEHE.
Willard then taught me how to use hip flip myself up when I was fully capsized with the aid of lifevest. Using lifevest to hip flip myself up was easy but not using the paddle. Failed for every attempt. -.- Nvm. I shall master it next time. LOL!
After several attempts on using paddle to hip flick myself, I gave up and practised on my Eskimo Roll. This sucked 'cos I couldn't do the Eskimo Roll suddenly. -.-!!! I asked JF to rescue me in case I really can't get up. I tried the Eskimo Roll and flip till half, I was down into the water so I continued to flip up and again, I failed. Last attempt before I was out of breath when still fully capsized in the sea, I used Pawlata Roll. Bloody hellllllll. Well, nvm anyway. I did it in the end. HEHEHE.
Oh yar, before that, the 6 of us who can do roll had to perform for Jiayao with all the skills we know and he would grade us. Loser would have to do 50 counts of jumping jet, sit up and push up each. OMG. This is scary. First to perform was Wenyi. HAHA. He wanna flaunt his skill la! He did the roll first. First attempt passed. He wanna do the 2nd time but failed so capsized. He scored 4/10. Everyone who gotta perform all only aimed just to beat his score so only Wenyi has to do the forfeit. Alright, Wenyi was the loser. HAHA. He did all the 50 counts. Hiong ar! Lol.
Jiayao performed the last. His performance was great. Speechless.
After all that, they came up with the diving contest. WALAO. Crap. We did our ugly diving. LOL. It was fun la, with all the craps they had. LOL. After diving, came up from the sea with the wind blowing.. The hair on ur hands would stand la! SO FREEZING COLD. OMG.
THEN, we continued our training. Jiayao taught us 3 more skills which are so difficult. I couldn't even do one la. LOL. He let us practised after we performed and all of us were practising the rolls and all. I was then stucked in between Wenyi and JunFeng. -.- JunFeng used me as a block to prevent Wenyi from getting him. Guess what? In the end they both capsize me and kayak off without even rescuing me la. We were very near the big canal already. Current was big ytd and within mins we would be drifted from one end to another. -.- I was afraid of being sucked into the canal so asked Jx, Rongyuan and Shini to rescue me. LOL. Shini took my kayak and kayak away from the canal. Rongyuan carried my paddle and lastly, I held onto Jx's raft and he kayaked to the front too. One capsized and 3 came to the rescue. LOL.
Anyway, although it was pretty windy and not much sunlight but I'm still sunburnt in the end. Towards the end of training and the sun came out shining bright. My face and arms are all red and my face is like having thousands of needles poking on it. -.-Nvm, I'm glad that I'm tanned again. HEHEHE.