Kudos to baoling!
May 28, 2008I just got back 40mins ago..
Right after my paper, I went back home with twinny baoling. As planned, we went to Jusco and had our PIZZA there. We were like god damn hungry so we ORDERED a value meal for 4 PEOPLE. Incredible, right! Our sizes are not BIG and we actually ordered so much. Even the waiter asked if we can finish EVERYTHING not.
APPARENTLY, we didn't finish EVERYTHING. There were 3 slices of pizza leftover. Kudos to baoling. She finished 4 1/2 slices of pizza, 2 mushroom soups, half of the bread and 2 glasses of water. BLOODY COOL LA. SHE WAS ABLE TO STUFF THEM ALL INSIDE HER STOMACHzx! I only get to finish 4 slices though. I was like struggling hard to finish my 4th slice man! The cheesy smell made us wanna puke. Too much cheese and it had a side effect on us. Lol. We were like damn paiseh when the waiter walked past us 'cos we didn't finish our pizza. We ate damn slow, almost like 1.5hrs spent in there.
Monday, we had Sushi King at City Square and today we had Pizzahut. I think I will gain don't know how many kg by eating them man. OH~ mygod. Anyway, this meal costed us RM62. It was only for 2 person. We know how to pamper ourselves eh? Well, I think I gotta exercise later on, SIT UP, PUMPING, CRUNCHES, SQUATS TO MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT! It isn't safe for a girl to run around my house area. It's MALAYSIA so kinda DANGEROUS. My 2nd bro went to AUST already, if not I could have ran with him.
Alright, that's for all today!Lastly, HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY to MR. Ned Theu!
He doesn't visit my blog but well as a friend, I WISHED him alright!
I saw him.. last month at Jusco too. Still the same but well.. tall and of
'cos more HANDSOME. Haha! Happened to see the date on my phone and realised that it is his b'day today!
Gotta exercise, bathe, mug, slack and get some beauty sleep!
Last paper to go! Must PERSEVERE!