LOL. weiting and me. :D
that green card is made by warda. so sweet? haha.
another idea by shini. -.-
me and bitch! :D
see no evil. hear no evil. speak no evil! :D
hmm, looks like shini and whykei just cant stop playing.
i know im cute. HEH! cute w retard. o.O
twister! warda stands alot of space.
nice mah? all the things given by juniors.
juniors = weiting, leanne, warda, izzati, joy & arianah!
miss lame and miss speed! :D
another case closed. properties found. ^
taken so many and this is the best. why?
the camera is positioned by me.
the few takes bfore this were like so jialat.
some faces cant b seen. why is this so?
cos the camera is positioned by shini. tt's y.
juniors and me! :D
all the netball in charge teachers. aww, no coach.
me and nana! i know tt sausage doesnt look gd. xP
i think there's still like 150 photos. HAHAHA.
so many, right? LOL.