November 05, 2005haha. pq everytime come my blog then i din update. haha. kk. er.. ytd slept at ard 2am plus then woke up at 7.30am plus. like.. don know y so early lar.. cannot slp back so wake up lor. then.. came dwn to e living room.. watch tv.. er.. cartoons? haha. lying on e sofa lar. then my dad came dwn.. went out take newspaper. then.. mom and friends came back frm dancing.. then.. bfore they were back.. i was already online lar. haha. then.. went out to eat w them lor.
then.. er.. came back.. continue to online. v boring lar. all din online one. i meant.. those who.. i chat w most of e time lar. e pq lor.. don know go where.. haha. then.. bananasiang and pig heart online.. pri sch classmates then chat then.. all lame stuffs lar. haha. then all siao liao. at least we still keep in touch, eh? haha. then.. ard 1pm+ went to nap then.. 2pm plus woke up..
er.. my nick.. i put..,'anything.. nudge me pls..' haha. got ppl nudge me lar.. quite a number of them but then.. only when mj nudges me.. i was awaken by e sound. haha. she nudges me just to tell me.. tt.. thks for writting her a testi. then.. walao.. napped till half then just kena waken up just like tt? haha. tt's y now so slpy. then.. after tt went to take my shower.. then watched tv.. then.. aunts back frm KL liao.. w my baby cousins lar. haha. v cute lor? haha.
then.. tmr hving wedding dinner in e afternoon. don know is wedding dinner or lunch lar? haha. then.. hv to slp early today. if not tmr confirm cannot wake up liao? haha.