August 27, 2005KANGWEI ROCKS! he's lending me his book on friday!!! i don wanna bring cos.. got cross country wad. then heavy. must run w bag?! so.. better borrow frm friends mah and.. too bad lar.. who asks his class got both hist and maths lesson on tt day. same mah.. so.. hv to lend me. LOL! U ROCK lar! haha.
most probably going back to mps on wed bah! but i end at 1pm?! other school seems like.. half day only?! while marsiling sec.. full day?! just tt.. thursday lesson is brought forward. actually is end at 1.30pm one. but tt day end at 1pm. guess wad? i hvnt buy things for teachers' day yet!! oh yar.. my chairman, HEIQAL gonna perform! woohoo~ lucky no drag me in. haha.