finger crossed.
May 16, 2005today get back our sci only. did quite all right lar. got 36th place in e whole level for my sci. top 40, tt's y.. then after tt.. mood all like gone liao cos.. maths 23 failures, lit only 5-10 passed, geog also 30+ failures. wonder if i will be inside e failures category not. [finger crossed] pray hard hard. highest for lit not even A2 sehs. teacher told us abt tt. tmr getting back chi papers. wonder how well i did. hope can top of e class again. but then don noe possible not. hope so. i hope i can pass all e subj man. cannot afford to fail. if i fail any subj, u can watch me crying liao. studied so hard but then so many failures. shldnt study so hard at first. truthfully wish tt my hard work pays off. God Bless. this year streaming year. really cannot fail. if not.. cant get into pure sci classes. hv to work double frm now on. =)
God Bless.
[finger crossed]
pray hard..