my 14th birthday.
March 31, 2005morning.. wake up. aboarded my bus. slept in e bus. reached sg custom. mic gave me my presentS. she bought 2 for me. shld be 3 one. she just cant find e 3rd one. thankies mic! then rained in e morning. reached sch. everyone was waiting for my key. opened e door. classmates gave me my presents. quite a lot of them. luckily for ming hui's plastic bag if not, don know where to place my presents. ferry gave me my present also. k lar. gentleman. received a lot of chocolates. don know how to finish them off. during assembly. alicia, shini and why kei, all netballers came and beat me 14 times respectively. so pain. beat at e same side some more. Ginny, peixuan, mic, shuduan, alicia, ned, chian yi, francesca, jasmine, auntie annie, ccp, baoling and jx msg me and wish me happy birthday. sheesh/ thanks everyone. went back home w shiyee, who i shared my chocolates w her. she forced me to share w her. reached my bus-stop, mom come and fetch me. meet my mom's friend at e season cafe. she treated me a meal as for my birthday present. asked for a fish and chips. after that, she drove me home. reached home, take my shower, sleep. went out in e night. friend asked me to come and is a must. so i went. received a shirt frm her. thks! after that.. at abt 2218 like that. went back home. took shower and went to sleep. the end.