
July 20, 2007

tdy is the annual x-country for our sch.
the whole event was kinda stucked up?

saw bamboo stick in the morning.
was kinda shocked lar, cos the chance of bumping into him is v rare.
i saw him twice this week, kinda suay. =x LOL.

blah, went to sch.
then evyone assembled at the field.
the order was like v luan lar.

had national anthem at the field.
i was like trying to ask jiewen to face e other side, cos the flags were at the gallery there.
but jiewen was like gong gong until yvonne grabbed her shoulder and turned her body. LOL.

aft tt, had warm up which was led by mr ho.
kinda useless lar, like majority ppl not doing it.

then race started. Zzz.
the B div boys first then followed by B girls.
aft tt shld b C div boys and the girls.

a lot ppl was blocking the way for those who wanna run lar.
but the pathway also not v broad, cant blame them.

i walked almost throughout the x-country.
i was too lazy to run, though this year is the last year for me.

we need to past the sch's back gate then up to the hill then dwn then back to the backgate agn.
when reaching sch's back gate, a lot ppl play cheat ar.
they jia jia ran up then hvnt reach the hill they u-turn came dwn agn and darted through the backgate. of cos, some ppl was kena caught lar. LOL.

then aft tt, we [lishan, cindy, minwei and me] past the hill out to the concrete pathway.
got a group of sec 4 malays. either frm the L or S classes. they damn kp lar. wth.
those who ran past, they used their water bottle and spray the water at them. WTF.

kiahow was nearly one of the victim.
he stopped and tie his shoeslace ar.
then the malays boys bhind wanted to pour the water on him but kiahow just nice stood up. so in the end, they didnt pour lar.

walao, really no manners at all lor.
sec 4 already still behave like kids.
ppl ran past, you all spray water. v fun izjit?
if u were the one who tio sprayed by them, i think u all sure wallop them up one lor.
walao. then put urself in other ppl's shoes lar. kp lar. knn.

ppl all running then u all walking in a row, blocking all the way.
be considerate lar. study for so many years liao, yet learn nth.
then when at the inside of the hill there, the malay guys also keep throwing the bottles ard.
inside quite slippery alr, wad if ppl step on the bottles, slip and fall? KP LAR.

ppl ask u don throw bottles, don block the way then u all still kp back.
walao, who's at fault lor? knn. go die better lar. nv think for others.
go reflect urself at the mirror lar. but mayb the mirror will break also.


blah, we reached back to the sch.
gathered and was asked by mrseow to take photo. ZZZ!
then went to the field and squatted.
but in the end, all sat dwn lar. buay tahan sia. the legs cannot tahan.

then they passed dwn the bread, i don think its enough for my class.
but nvm, we all also nv eat. lol.

then waited, waited, waited and waited..
finally, prize presentation.

then blah, cleaned up and went offffff.

ZZZ. this year x-country sucks?
all not in orderly manner.
like not really tt well-prepared.

i thgt they said top 25 would receive medals and trophies.
but in the end, it turned out to be top 20. bah, wadever.

anyway, congrats to the girls who topped the first 20..
Joy, Syamin, Arianah, Ira, Farhanna, Ashikin, Lidan, Yvonne Goh, Iznie, Kamal, and those sec 1 netballers who got top. lol. i don know their names. =x

congrats to the boys who topped the first 20..
jerome, kangwei, weeta, seowqi, cheesiang, imran, shalihin..

lol. i don know still got who lar. nv go rmb.


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