
July 15, 2007

my phone died on me.
hmm, shld be in a sub-conscious state; at least it still can be switched on but it turns off in less than, shortest 5 secs, longest 5 mins?

maybe there's sth wrong with the batt?
ah, wadever.

anyway, i realised that when u apologise, once in awhile.. people would still take it, as in accepting ur apology.

but, if u've been keep on apologising like over a small thing and its like keep on going 'sorry.. sorry..' for a period of time, people might think that u are just entertaining them? hmm, as in saying 'sorry' has no effect already.


anyway, shini was one of the examples.
she can keep on apologising one, but the way she says it makes u think tt she's really asking for ur forgiveness lar. bcos, tt's her. -.- i also don know how to say it, but people who know her well shld understand wad i've tried to type lar. for ur info, she changed already. she's not apologising so many times as bfore. tt's a gd thing. -.-


get back to ur damn life.
cos u're not suitable for my life.
if u're not SA, pls dont make ppl
feel that u are SA.
because you are conveying
a wrong msg to ppl..

& i hate it too;
cos, i'll b acting so damn..

bloody cold towards you.

so just get lost and
get back to ur life.

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